Get a firm grip on the formalities of how to start a business in Denmark.

In the course we’ll introduce you to all the legal, financial and cultural matters of doing business in Denmark as well as the foundations of entrepreneurship so you can get off to a good start on your entrepreneurial journey in Denmark.  

 The course is free of charge apart from your time and enthusiasm.

If you can picture yourself in the following this course is just right for you: 

You are living in Denmark and you are considering starting your own business. In this course we'll give you the knowledge and the tools that you need to set up and develop your business in Denmark. We’ll cover essential business topics such as idea validation, business modeling, market strategy and budgetting as well as the specific legal aspects of establishing a Danish company. Throughout the course we’ll introduce you to:

  • How to develop a simple and functional business model based on your idea.
  • How you sell and market your product or service on a Danish market.
  • All the legal and financial matters that you have to understand when registering a company in Denmark.

After the course you'll know have an understanding of how you turn your idea into a business and how you establish ayour company in Denmark. 

Be aware that there is 1 hour of preparation before each workshop and around 4 hours of homework after each workshop.

Your guides on the journey from good idea to great business 

You'll meet Adrian Ursu, Martin Kosev, Sissi Bak, Henrik Haurbo Petersen, and Narcis George Matache from Aalborg Institute for Developement. They have a deep and thorough knowledge of business administration and business development and will guide you through the process of setting up a successful business in Denmark.

Dates and times:

Workshop 1: From idea to business model
15-08-2024:     17.00 - 20.00

Workshop 2: Understanding the Danish market
22-08-2024:     17.00 - 20.00

Workshop 3: Start selling to the Danish customer
29-08-2024:     17.00 - 20.00

Workshop 4: The first year as a registered company
05-09-2024:     17.00 - 20.00

Støttet af:

Iværksætterdanmark is funded by The European Union and The Danish Board of Business Development. 

The funding makes is possible for Iværksætterdanmark to invest in the competences and development of Danish startups. All workshops are free of charge but you will be required to register your own time spent in the project. Learn more about Iværksætterdanmark.

15. august 2024 17:00 -
09. september 2024 20:00
Frederik Kirst Müntzberg
Deadline 15. august 2024, kl. 12:00